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Welcome to my academic webpage!
I am an assistant professor at the Department of Politics and Society and Associate Director of the Center for Research in Social Responsibility (CIRES) at IPADE Business School. I received my PhD from the Department of Political Studies at Queen’s University, Canada, where I specialized in Comparative Politics and Political Theory. Furthermore, I obtained a Master’s in Government and Public Policy and a BA in Philosophy from Universidad Panamericana in Mexico City. I am also a member of the Public Service Network of the Botín Foundation.

My academic interests lie mostly within Ibero-American politics and civil society, particularly the Mexican and Spanish cases. Other interests are philosophy, ethics, public policy, corporate social responsibility, education, and fiction.
My doctoral project studied the impact that civil society networks have on nationalist social movements and political parties by looking at cases of Catalonia and the Basque Country, and how CSOs may contribute to the radicalization or moderation of the demands presented to the state.
Civil Society, Social Movements, Nationalism, Political Parties, Federalism, Contentious Politics.
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